Great Liada

Services, Registrations close telematics! If anyone is interested to join Great Liada 2015, still time: Wednesday 8 September, before the treasure hunt in the Plaza of the Catalan Countries, you can register on site. Please note that places are limited.

Young llinarsencs and llinarsenques,

less than a month we will finish Casal goodbye, and with a bit of luck we might even be able to tell each other “see you soon”…; the fact is that today this “soon” has arrived!

So back to our way… per liar-la! Together with the City Llinars, We are preparing a treasure hunt directed to you, young people Llinars, who after the Summer of Youth and the holidays you still have battery left to kick it before going back to the study season…

We have to admit that during the last few days we have already received some emails asking what the gymnasium will consist of and asking for information; but the truth - sorry for the trouble- we have no intention of telling you it ;) The grace of all this is that, with most of you, and we knew exactly why we want to surprise with three tests that hardly forget. Just know that the gymkhana will be held on Tuesday 8 September from 11am, and begin at the Plaza of the Catalan Countries; and this is all I will tell you for now!

Regarding registration, which can Download here, here is a short explanation of how:

  1. Organise yourself in groups 6 members. Once you have defined 6 Members del grup; Choose an account manager and team name.
  2. The head will fill properly register; can be done by hand or with computer. To find the registration requirements to sign up to the gymkhana. Please remember that the age to participate is 12 a 17 years.
  3. The manager must send the entry via email or, si no és possible, You can also reach it If you have made inscrpció manualement, must be sent as a scanned image.
  4. After submitting registration, We will contact you with the contact details you specify the registration to communicate if there are vacancies, and if you've definitely been registered in Great Liadi.
  5. Please note that places are limited. So when there before you enroll, Best!

That is all… for now! For more information, You can contact us by writing to or

You know we like to ride big ones, so do not be shy / s and dare you to particpa Great Liadi

Great Liad registration